Hi, Welcome to PIC microcontroller tutorial, today I will be taking you through Microchip advance part selector MAPS to learn how to find your required microcontroller for your project.
Why we need microchip Maps?
if you want to search your Microchip's product with electrical characteristics like which microcontroller that tolerate a 5V or 3.3 V supply ,check availability of product and much more.
Introduction to MAPS
Lets introduce the interface and navigation structure of MAPS and see how does MAPS help you as a customer to select microcontroller. However ,it gives an image of modern software with common action available for all microchip products.
When you land MAPS home page, you can see that MAPS is divided in to sections and it is very easy to identify and understand where are the common parameter that is required to select device.
Microchip Advance part Selector |
Suppose, you need 8 bit controller and even you do not know family and part family just check on 8 bit and current options.
On the right side you will get a list of families of microchip.
Microchip Advance Part Selector |
MPAS side-by-side display |
Hope you enjoy reading the post, friends if you need basic knowledge about selection, you can checkout
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