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Simple Electronic Lock Using PIC18

Lack of proper home security is just is dangerous driving your car among your kids without a seat belt. 

The world is cruel and offers a lot of risk including home invasion.

In fact, recent statistics indicate 500 break-ins in every passing second, there are certain things you can do to secure your home, such as installing a digital lock system.

Today, I am presenting  Digital Electronic Door Lock developed with PIC Microcontroller and simulated in Proteus.

When I was writing its software, the first thing that came to my mind is the password which is the only key to open the lock.

The owner of the house must know the correct password otherwise lock will ask for code again.

What if someone keeps on trying to attempt the wrong code?

Here we need an alarming situation, in that case, the lock will start a buzzer.



It’s fairly clear from the above figure that I have used a PIC Microcontroller as the brain of the system.4x4 keypad, which is used to take inputs from the user. LEDs which are used to just indicate the wrong password, warning for the user and ready to input password indications.

Demonstration and working:

Demonstration and working of this project is given in the below video:

                Friends for further learning about PIC18 checkout 


  1. Thank you for your post. This is excellent information. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site
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  2. Dear sir,
    Can u please send me the mplab codes for this? Its urgent.

  3. Your videos and articles carry a lot of knowledge for me khoa van tay , that I really support you with more good new songs, thank you for giving us more knowledge! Introduce your side to the fingerprint door lock! thank you very much

  4. can i get the coding for this simple electronic lock using pic18 pliss ...this for my final year project

  5. can i get the coding for this simple electronic lock

  6. Can u give me this project coding pliss

  7. can i get the code for the safe?

  8. Dear sir,
    Can u please send me the mplab codes for this? I'm working on this project and i really need it. Thanks.

  9. Hello Sir,
    Can u please send me the mplab codes for this? I'm working on this project to and really need it. TQ. I really appreciate it. /

  10. Hi, i am interested to buy the code, kindly pm me in and we can discuss further.

  11. can u share the code ? my email is


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