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First Project of PIC 18 using Proteus 7 ,mikroC and CSS.

mikroc picc proteus

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun together with your lives. In today’s tutorial, we are going to see however one can compile and simulate PIC18F . Its my first tutorial on that and I am progressing to post quite an heap of  tutorials on PIC18F Microcontroller in coming week.

it is my first tutorial on PIC18F Microcontroller that’s why it's quite an easy one , I will 1st of all have a glance at only 1 single pin(I/O) during this Project,  a  basic circuit for PIC18F Microcontroller. After that, I will be able to attach a light emitting diode(LED) on any of its I/O pins so will switch to it  high state. I even have additionally given the Proteus Simulation along side Programming code designed in miKroc and CCS . So, let’s get started with it. 

Proteus simulation for First project

  1.  First ,we need a simple circuit to simulate for I/O Project for PIC18F4580 Microcontroller in Proteus ISIS, as you all understand Proteus is appropriate simulation tool for MC.
  2. Once the electrical connection  is done for simulation, I need  the programming code for Microcontroller.
  3. In order to develop the code, two compilers miKroc and CCS are used  .you can use anyone of them.
So let’s create a simple circuit for the Proteus Simulation and run it.

Circuit diagram to connect Led with PIC

Reference above image for circuit

  • Notice that  a 5V is connected with Reset pin of PIC18.
  • LED is connected to RA0(PIN designator) of Port A.
  •  Next, we will take advantage of useful C language by using compliers to  develop programming code for  Microcontroller that is running on top of image and produce an running LED.

mikroC Programming Code for (PORT A) first Bit. 

  • Now as I have mentioned earlier, the compilers I have used for designing the programming code for  Project are mikroC and CCS.
  • So I hope you have installed any one of them on your computer and if not then must install it as otherwise you won't be able to compile this code.
  • So now create a new project in your mikroC compiler.

Program to turn on led in mikroc

CCS Programming Code for (PORT A) first Bit. 

Program to turn on led in PICC
  • Inside the while() loop, we have used the first bit of PortA  in which it's sate is made high and so led  is ON.
  • Now after adding the code in your anyone of your choice complier, compile it and get the hex file.
  • Proteus allows us to upload  hex file into your PIC Microcontroller model ,just double click on controller and browse your hex file, Press run button to start simulation. 
  • If everything’s goes fine ,code should run as expected.

Friends for further learning about PIC18 checkout:


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